Does REI Sell Used Bikes? (This Is Why Nobody Is Talking…)

Does REI Sell Used Bikes

Do you know if REI sells used bikes? Well, you are at the perfect place to find the answer to such a question.

This question is somewhat tricky to answer because at the time of writing, REI does not sell used bikes in most of their markets. However, by the time that you read this, REI will likely seel used bikes in your market.

On this page, we are going to walk you through everything that we know so far about REI and the whole buying and selling of bikes. However, since this is a new venture for them, things may change.

Does REI Sell Used Bikes?

In early 2022, REI announced that it would expand the sale of used equipment, including bikes, across the entirety of its store portfolio. Previously, it was something that was only available in limited markets.

This means that if you head to your local REI, or if you shop online, then you are likely to see used REI products for sale. 

It is important to note that REI is only selling used versions of products that they already had in their product range. This means that you can’t head on over to REI and find a massive selection of products that they didn’t have before.

It is unknown whether this is something that may end up being changed in the future. However, for now, don’t expect to find random bikes for sale in REI.

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How Much Does REI Sell Used Bikes For?

It does appear that there is no standardized pricing for used bikes at REI. Although, this is likely to change as it becomes more of a settled service for the company.

At the moment, it is likely that the price of a used bike through REI is dictated by the location of the bike, as well as the condition of the bike. So, you expect something in a better condition to cost more.

All we can tell you is that the cost of a used bike at REI will be less than if you purchased it new. You will also be able to enjoy the same benefits that you would normally get if you purchased from REI, which some people absolutely love.

Can You Sell Your Old Bike to REI?

You can. However, there are a couple of things that may want to bear in mind.

Firstly, they are not going to accept every bike. At the time of writing, REI is purchasing bikes that they would normally stock anyway. This means that you cannot just waltz into one of their stores with a random bike and get some cash for it.

Secondly, the price that you sell your old bike to REI for will likely be a lot less than you could get if you sold it yourself. However, this is something that applies to the vast majority of stores that deal with trade-ins.

Trading the bike to REI is all about convenience. Since you are selling it to REI, you don’t have to jump through the same hoops that you would need to do so if you were selling to a private person, and some people absolutely love that idea.

If you do sell your bike to REI, then you may be able to get a bit of extra cash by selling it for store credit instead, which is nice if you were planning on picking up a new bike from the company, or if you spend a lot of time shopping at REI.

How Do You Sell an Old Bike to REI?

This part is pretty easy. If you want to sell an old bike to REI, you just take it to your closest REI store. They will then make you an offer on it.

If you are happy with the offer, they will pay you. If you aren’t happy with the offer, then you are free to leave. You cannot haggle on their pricing.

REI will likely need to carry out a quick inspection of your bike to ensure that it is in a condition that they can sell it in. 

They tend to only want to buy bikes that are in a condition where they can be sold almost as if they were new. 

Is It Worth Buying a Used Bike From REI?

Now, the prices at REI are going to be much higher than if you purchased your bike from a private seller. However, for most people, this is fine.

If you go to a private seller, you can assume that bike is untested. Unless you know what you are doing, you could end up spending a good chunk of cash on a dud.

Since REI won’t sell any bike without inspecting it first, it means that all of the products sold at their store are going to be in brilliant condition. This means that you can feel confident knowing that you are spending your cash on something that is worth your money. 

Secondly, the major benefit of shopping with REI is that you get to enjoy all of those benefits that you would normally get with REI. This means that you can get to enjoy their great customer support, their warranty period, etc.

This is something that you are not going to be getting if you opted to work with a private seller. For most people, spending the extra few dollars buying the bike from REI is going to be more than worth it for this alone.

Remember, you can also pick up any additional accessories that you may need from REI.

Do stores resell returned items for a profit or at cost?

Stores typically aim to resell returned items either at cost or for a profit. They have policies in place to accept returns for various reasons, sometimes even for up to a year after purchase. However, there may be exceptions when it comes to returning severely damaged items.

In general, stores are unlikely to incur losses on returned items as they have the ability to resell them to other customers.

Can stores refuse a return if they believe the customer is abusing their return policy?

Stores may choose to refuse a return if they suspect that the customer is exploiting the return policy rather than using it as intended, which is to ensure that customers are not left unsatisfied with their purchases.

In such cases, store employees may politely decline to process the return if they believe the customer is not returning items in good faith or for valid reasons.

How do stores handle returns of items that are not resold as used?

When customers return items that cannot be resold as used, stores may still accept the return but could incur a loss. In some cases, store personnel may express disappointment or frustration when processing such returns, as the store may not be able to resell the item at its original price.

This can result in a complete loss for the store since the item may not be suitable for resale as a new product. Additionally, customers might face consequences such as being chastised or hearing negative reactions from store employees when returning such items.

It is important for customers to be aware of store policies regarding returns of items that cannot be resold as used to understand the potential outcomes of their return requests.

Should I return an item to a store if I feel uncomfortable ethically about it?

If you are feeling ethically uncomfortable about keeping or selling an item that didn’t meet your expectations, it may be worth considering returning it to the store. It’s important to weigh the ethical implications and your personal values when making this decision.

Keep in mind that stores have their own policies regarding returns, and while some may accept returns more willingly, others may not.

Consider whether the product can be resold as new, whether you are truly dissatisfied with the item, and how the store’s return policies align with your ethical principles. Ultimately, returning the item may help you feel more at ease ethically, even if you face some challenges in the process.

Is it ethical to return a perfectly good bike that has some trail use?

Returning a perfectly good bike that has had some trail use can raise ethical considerations. It is important to assess the condition of the bike, the reason for returning it, and the store’s return policy.

While it may be permissible to return a bike that is not up to expectations or has defects, returning a bike simply because it is not the right fit for personal preferences might raise ethical concerns.

It is essential to consider the impact returning the bike may have on the store and other customers, as well as whether it is fair to expect a full refund or exchange in such circumstances.

Ultimately, the decision to return a bike with some trail use should be made thoughtfully, considering all aspects of the situation and acting in a manner that aligns with one’s personal ethics and values.

Can stores like REI take a complete loss on returned items?

Stores like REI may be required to absorb complete losses on returned items, particularly in cases where certain products, like bikes, cannot be resold as used.

This policy can lead to dissatisfaction among store staff, as observed when the narrator was reprimanded by a salesman and overheard disappointed reactions from others present.

How do participants feel about the user’s situation compared to other potential scenarios of returning items to REI?

The user’s situation favorably in light of other potential scenarios of returning items to REI. They emphasize that the user’s case does not fall into the category of individuals who exploit return policies in an unethical manner.

Rather, they view the user’s actions as legitimate and justified, contrasting it with more questionable behaviors like extensively using a product over an extended period before attempting to return it on false pretenses.

In essence, the sentiment is one of understanding and support for the user’s decision to return the item based on genuine dissatisfaction, rather than attempting to abuse the return process for personal gain.

Should the user consider buying the other bike they want from REI to ease their conscience?

Considering purchasing the other bike you desire from REI could be a positive step towards easing your conscience. It may alleviate any concerns you have about returning the current bike.

Additionally, choosing the other bike might lead to greater satisfaction with your purchase. Ultimately, it is worth exploring this option as it could help address your doubts and ensure you end up with the right bike for your needs.


REI does sell used bikes, but it is a fairly recent development. This means that they may not have rolled the program out to your local REI store yet. If they haven’t, then you will be able to pick up used REI bikes online.

They are going to be a bit more expensive than if you opted to buy the bike from a private seller, but the extra cost is more than worth it when you know that you are dealing with a team as great as the team at REI.


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John Muranko

John is Founder and Senior Bike Editor at ProBikeCorner. John is a bike and travel addict who has cycled through 17+ countries and doesn't really have any plans of stopping. He´s passionate about helping others by creating technical resources, in-depth reviews and more…

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